
A noble beginning by Baba Amte and his son Prakash led to the formation of Lok Biradari Prakalp in Hemalkasa in 1973. The project was launched for the welfare of the local Madia-Gond tribals. The tribal region now has a multi-speciality hospital that caters to about 45000 patients annually; school with library, computer labs, gymnasium and play area. The previously ignorant tribe which took to witchcraft to cure diseases like malaria, TB, cancer and anaemia are now familiar with the magic of modern medicine; thanks to Lok Biradari Hospital. Meanwhile, the Lok Biradari Prathamik, Madhyamik Ashram Shala and Junior College is training the younger generation to become self-reliant. Students not only focus on academics in this residential school but other activities, especially sports. Amte’s Animal Ark, an orphanage for animals is inhabited by animals like leopards, sloth bears, snakes, deer, owls, crocodiles, hyenas, variety of birds and monkeys. It is located about 502 kilometers from Akola in Bhamragarh. Combined visits of Anandwan and Hemalkasa are also available for tourists and other interested people.

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